
Tracking the DIY phenomenon Part 1: Widgets, badges, and gadgets

張貼者: ChenYuYi 2009年3月7日 星期六

The DIY Era: Web widgets, badges, and gadgets
these increasingly portable visual parts are now becoming quite commonplace, easy to consume by regular Web users, and are becoming richer and more useful all the time.   In fact, the spread of widgets, and badges — also called gadgets by the big Web players like Microsoft and Google — has been very clear in the last year and there are now hundreds of them readily available to use after a minute or two of configuration. link »

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1 Responses to Tracking the DIY phenomenon Part 1: Widgets, badges, and gadgets

  1. MIS Quest Says:
  2. 介紹Widgets,第一個重點在圖示,呈現了引用Widgets方式是簡單易用的。其他的部分,要等仔細看進去再說囉。

