But inside our organizations, both in the IT department and in business units, mashups are a much rarer phenomenon. link »
I'll start with my take on the key aspects of mashups from a value proposition perspective. link »
Effective leverage of Web parts and the Global SOA . Mashups are generally built out of the bits, pieces, and services of other Web applications that already exist, adding code only when it can't be sourced from internal or external suppliers or to provide integration "glue" between the parts. This reuse can quickly and easily leverage millions of dollars in previous investment and results in a "building on the shoulder's of giants" effect. link »
Simple, lightweight software models and services. By focusing on the simplest possible techniques and formats, Web mashups appear to be successful and widespread primarily because just about anyone can and are creating them. link »
mashups are 100% pure Software as a Service (SaaS) and require no installation, updates, plug-ins, admin rights, or anything but a garden variety Web browser and the mashup's URL to run. link »
A focus on self-service and DIY. As I alluded to above, mashup development can be just as much for everyday Web users as it is for professional software developers. Like so many things on the Web that put the power of publishing and participation into everyone's hands, mashups have the potential to give all of us the ability to create real, useful software. link »
This has the potential to further enable the productivity of knowledge workers as well as release The Long Tail of IT demand . It could also reduce the application backlogs that continue to bedevil IT departments and their customers everywhere. link »
Mashup Challenges link »
Deconflicting the two major mashup models. link »
Too many widget formats. link »
Not enough Web services exist in our enterprises or on the Web. link »
Security and identity need to be sorted out. link »
No common creation metaphor. link »
Mashup Opportunities link »
Defining the essential ingredients of a successful mashup ecosystem. link »
Addressing the tension between the two major styles of integration. link »
Providing effective "enterprise context." link »
Distribution and consumption. link »
SEO, analytics, page views are all challenged by the mashup model. link »