
The Enterprise 2.0 industry discussion continues and evolves

張貼者: ChenYuYi 2009年3月5日 星期四

Enterprise 2.0 Communication Continuum
Rod observes that traditional collaboration tools such as the phone, instant messaging, and e-mail are high effective, but no very leveragable, while blogs and wikis capture information for a mass audience that can then be found and reused. link »
Andrew McAfee made this week about the current emphasis on blogs and wikis as the key technologies of Enterprise 2.0, something he cautions against, saying that the picture is significantly larger than that: There’s a danger in confining our discussion of Enterprise 2.0 technologies to blogs and wikis. I imagine Tom considered only these two because of space considerations, but I’ve noticed elsewhere a tendency to equate Enterprise 2.0 with corporate blog + wiki use. This viewpoint is far too narrow. The phenomena, and the supporting technologies, of initially freeform and eventually emergent collaboration are rich and varied; let’s try to make sure we’re not leaving any of the important ones out. link »

blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe/?p=64 · Original page

1 Responses to The Enterprise 2.0 industry discussion continues and evolves

  1. MIS Quest Says:
  2. 以看出為何大家一開始在談企業2.0時是以Blog與Wiki為例。
    因為,如果與電話、即時通、電子郵件來比,Blog與Wiki是High Leverage,資訊可以很容易分享、也很容易找出來利用。

