you can read a detailed breakdown of the fascinating adoption numbers in Nick Carr's excellent roll-up of many of the key numbers in the reports link »
they are investing in other well known Web 2.0 approaches including social networking, RSS, podcasting, and even wikis and blogs, which come in about 1/3 lower in overall interest. link »
Business are structured much differently that the consumer Web and major impediments to use of Web 2.0 production and consumption scenarios exist. This include lack of good enterprise search, mountains of closed legacy systems, the challenge of securing highly open, deeply integrated applications, and conflicting data models (XML, relational data, rich media, and more.) These are all challenges to the ultimate success of Web 2.0 in the enterprise, even to the point that some organizations are increasingly at risk of IT users doing so much themselves that the IT department can begin to lose control. link »
More and more Web 2.0 tools and techniques studies become available link »
也可以從其圖示中看到Blog, Wiki的位置,而其他Web2.0的定位也有標示出來。
(或許進一步去看看這篇 瞭解其所謂的Product Development 2.0概念(有圖示))