
Enterprise 2.0: Ten Predictions for 2007

張貼者: ChenYuYi 2009年3月5日 星期四

Forces Influencing Enterprise 2.0 in 2007
Enterprise 2.0 platforms can provide highly general purpose, freeform, do-it-yourself (DIY) tools that have the potential to solve an entire group of related and overlapping problems in collaboration, knowledge management, SOA adoption, self-service IT, and even overall worker productivity that have been plaguing IT and business for years. link »
blogs and wikis are just the beginning of the Enterprise 2.0 story and many other types of applications can be created out of the patterns and practices outlined by McAfee's SLATES capabilities model (search, linking, authoring, tagging, extensions, and signals). link »
Enterprise 2.0: Ten Predictions for 2007 link »
10. Despite the potential for other types of applications, blogs and wikis will dominate the Enterprise 2.0 landscape in 2007. link »
9. A number of Enterprise 2.0 projects will see lower than expected returns due to excessive structure and low social interaction. link »
8. Compliance tools will get the rug pulled out from under them as users flock to easier tools out of desperation. link »
7. It will be a make or break year for the first round of Enterprise 2.0 tools that add a process aspect. link »
6. Not a dent will be made in 2007 in the installed base of pre-existing collaborative tools such as e-mail, telephone, and IM. link »
5. Consumerization of the enterprise will continue apace and will help drive Enterprise 2.0 adoption at the grassroots level. link »
4. A surprisingly fierce battle will ensue between the big software makers and the small Enterprise 2.0 startups. link »
3. Effective enterprise search will emerge as a key prerequisite for Enterprise 2.0 success. link »
2. A few high-profile misuses of Enterprise 2.0 will crop up but will fail to put much of a damper on things. link »
1. Enterprise 2.0 and Office 2.0 will face off as leading new terms for online business software and no one will win. link »
But in the end, business culture will be one of the biggest obstacles to Enterprise 2.0 in 2007 and forward. link »

blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe/?p=76 · Original page

2 意見

  1. MIS Quest Says:
  2. 或許在整合前面有關Blog與Wiki導入企業的論述時,可以參考引用這個圖(http://web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/web_20_for_the_enterprise_where_the_action_is.htm)

  3. MIS Quest Says:
  4. 有說Blog與Wiki只是因為一開始就被看得出來符合SLATES的特性,所以才成為討論的主角。

