But why are enterprise mashups important? link »
The main attraction of mashups is that they have the potential for self-service in that end-users can theoretically create them. They also perform integration in the browser. This provides a sort of safe "sandbox" where users can experiment safely with powerful tools without affecting the traditional IT development, deployment, and support processes. And presumably, enterprise mashups tools would provide automatic versioning, security, and other needed enterprise software qualities. All of this potentially drops the cost of development enormously because an end-user — or two or three — could just get together and create, test, and share an enterprise mashup in a few hours, instead of the laborious and time-consuming cost of spec’ing, budgeting, architecting, designing, project managing, testing, and maintaining the software using the elite and expensive skills of the IT department. link »
Another major attraction of enterprise mashups is known as the automation dilemma. In today’s knowledge worker intensive businesses, rote processes are not the norm and are increasingly automated through various mechanisms today. link »
Where are all the good enterprise mashup tools? Here’s one…
link »DataMashups.com link »