
Is IBM making enterprise mashups respectable?

張貼者: ChenYuYi 2009年3月7日 星期六

Anatomy of Web Mashup Styles
At the root of what a mashup is the the question of what’s being "mashed" together into something new.  Is it data?  Is it visual presentation? Is it the underlying functionality (code)? The answer of course is that a mashup could be all of these things, or just one of them.  In the end, mashups are intentionally loosely defined because of their very nature as ad hoc aggregations of whatever needs to be aggregated. Whether that is visuals, information, or working software is immaterial to the term’s application.  link »
An increasing number of companies such as Bridgewerx , Kapow , Worcsnet , and others are trying to solve (or partially solve) the problem of requiring programming skills to create mashups.  This means mashups will become much more end-user directed in the near future as facilitation techniques become more sophisticated.  They will be created by almost anyone for just-in-time situations and projects, and even thrown away when their usefulness ends.  link »
Mashups connote a mindset of informal techniques that just work by virtual of the concept of "small pieces, loosely joined".  link »
The 5 styles of mashups link »
Presentation Mashup link »
Client-Side Data Mashup link »
Client-Side Software Mashup link »
Server-Side Software Mashup link »
Server-Side Data Mashup link »

blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe/?p=49 · Original page

1 Responses to Is IBM making enterprise mashups respectable?

  1. MIS Quest Says:
  2. 到底Mashup的是什麼?是視覺呈現的部分?還是資訊?還是程式?答案是通通都是,可以混搭全部、也可以混搭其中之一。
    也可以用一個很簡單的句子來描述,Mashup的概念就是「small pieces, loosely joined」。

    至於Mashup的方式則可歸納出五類:Presentation Mashup, Client-Side Data Mashup, Client-Side Software Mashup, Server-Side Software Mashup, Server-Side Data Mashup。不知道以上的類型是否可以搭配下列圖示更清楚瞭解?(http://web2.socialcomputingmagazine.com/making_the_most_of_the_web_creating_great_mashups.htm)

    另外,也提到幾個mashup的新技術新產品,有Bridgewerx, Kapow, Worcnet (這些都要再繼續瞭解的~)

