
Effective collaboration: Form follows function?

張貼者: ChenYuYi 2009年3月5日 星期四

Web 2.0 Form and Function
Enterprise 2.0, in other words, is about new communities, not communities’ new plumbing. link »
understanding that form follows function is probably critical to actually exploiting this new way of using the Web and the intranet for true two-way collaboration. In fact, this is the key lesson we seem to have learned from the rise of Web 2.0 in general; the Web was always able to work this way, and though it certainly did in some quarters, the methods and benefits are only now starting to become widespread knowledge. Thus, accessing the benefits of Web 2.0 in the enterprise means understanding what it is and how to apply it. This can be a chicken and egg problem since there is no what without some how in this case. link »
Blogs and wikis work so well because they are extremely simple ways to collaborate and hence more likely to be used by more people. This directly helps these collaboration models encounter fewer barriers to use and increased reuse and other second order usage scenarios. Appreciating what makes them simple and effective, which includes that they are delivered via a browser, require not prior training, little structure, and are syndicated via some mechanism is the essential function that provides the form we are looking for. So, while there is surely a need to avoid the acronym soup that so often obscures the perceptions of any technique, this innovation cycle is already different from others in the past and is rightly focusing on aspect that matters most in all of this: people, and how they share information. link »

blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe/?p=47 · Original page

1 Responses to Effective collaboration: Form follows function?

  1. MIS Quest Says:
  2. 強調「企業2.0是一種新型態的社群運作模式(找出企業內部可能形成社群及其運作之優勢),而非是企業內既有社群的新溝通管道而已(不是企業內既有部門的另一種溝通平台之選擇)」
    這裡提到「Form follows function」(暫時還不太能精確掌握其意義),似乎是說Web2.0的風氣讓企業思考協同運作也有類似的想法。

