1.駕馭集體智慧(Harnessing Collective Intelligence):有時候將它稱為 Web 2.0 的核心模式,主要是描述參與的架構(Architectures of Participation),它通過有效的使用網路效應和回饋來建立一個讓人們能夠更好用的系統。 (Harnessing Collective Intelligence: Sometimes described as the core pattern of Web 2.0, this describes architectures of participation that embraces the effective use of network effects and feedback loops to create systems that get better the more that people use them. )
2.資料是下一個"Intel Inside" (Data is the Next "Intel Inside):表示資料將變得越來越重要,其重要性已經超過軟體本身,您必須接受這樣殘酷的現實。 (Data is the Next "Intel Inside": A phrase that captures the fact that information that information has become as important, or more important, than software, which has become relentlessly commoditized. )
3.組合中創新(Innovation in Assembly):Web變成是由許多小的資料和服務彙集而成的集合,彼此間鬆散結合,增加重組的可能性和對系統和資訊的無思索地使用。 (Innovation in Assembly: The Web has become a massive source of small pieces of data and services, loosely joined, increasing the recombinant possibilities and unintended uses of systems and information. )
4.使用者豐富的體驗(Rich User Experiences):Web 頁面的演進將勝過現有的HTML標識方式,並且包含全套軟體體驗,能增進交互創新的新方式。 (Rich User Experiences: The Web page has evolved to become far more than HTML markup and now embodies full software experiences that enable interaction and immersion in innovative new ways. )
5.軟體將不會在單一的設備上提供(Software Above the Level of a Single Device):軟體會像是部落格群體水平結盟的方式,或者是像 iTunes 垂直整合(伺服器群組+ 線上商店 + iTunes 用戶端 + iPods 設備),都將會改變我們軟體的前景。 (Software Above the Level of a Single Device: Software like the horizontally federated blogosphere (hundreds of blog platforms and aggregators) or the vertically integrated iTunes (server farm + online store + iTunes client + iPods) are changing our software landscape. )
6.永遠的Beta版(Perpetual Beta):軟體的版本發行將會消失,持續變更才是新的標準。 (Perpetual Beta: Software releases are disappearing and continuous change is becoming the norm. )
7.影響長尾的力量(Leveraging the Long Tail):有效地透由Web提供小眾市場的統合服務,將是"殺手級的商業應用"之一,這種應用藉由Interner現有的形式變成可能。 (Leveraging the Long Tail: The mass servicing of micromarkets cost effectively via the Web is one of the primary "killer business models" made possible by the Internet in its present form. )
8.輕量軟體/商業模型及可測量的成本效益(Lightweight Software/Business Models and Cost Effective Scalability):從 Amazon's S3 到 RSS、到 Ruby on Rails,線上軟體發展基礎的經濟模式正在改變,帶給新的玩家更新、更強大的新武器來對抗現有的對手,甚至是整個產業。 (Lightweight Software/Business Models and Cost Effective Scalability: Everything from Amazon's S3, to RSS, to Ruby on Rails are changing the economics of online software development fundamentally, providing new players powerful new weapons against established players and even entire industries. )
企業2.0(Enterprise 2.0)當然也是符合上述的精神,但它更進一步探討企業平台要如何發揮這些精神,在「Web 2.0 definition updated and Enterprise 2.0 emerges」這篇文章提出了下列的重要觀點: Andrew McAfee has been instrumental in providing clear, clean explanation of Enterprise 2.0, and has introduced his "SLATES" mnemonic to help guide those creating or acquiring Enterprise 2.0 software. SLATES describes the combined use of effective enterprise search and discovery, using links to connect information together into a meaningful information ecosystem using the model of the Web, providing low-barrier social tools for public authorship of enterprise content, tags to let users create emergent organizational structure, extensions to spontaneously provide intelligent content suggestions similar to Amazon's recommendation system, and signals to let users know when enterprise information they care about has been published or updated, such as when a corporate RSS feed of interest changes.
而在「The state of Enterprise 2.0」則更加擴充了前者的論述:Dion extends Andrew McAfee’s SLATES (Search, Links, Authoring, Tags, Extensions, Signals) with his own mnemonic, FLATNESSES.