puts the IT and MIS program as both an integral part and intersection of other systems, including the IT field, the university setting, and the business environment that are all dynamically situated in a global context.(更宏觀看待學校、科系、業界的關係,更大範疇中的交集就是對資管專業的需求,也就能依此做課程規劃) Only after the recognition that an IT or MIS program is part of the industry, an industry advisory board can function as a co-dependent partner with the professional program in the evolving worldwide ecosystem of business and IT. (課程規劃為業界所需,與業界諮詢組織合作邁向新世界商業生態所需的資管專業)要落實這個觀點,我認為可以從兩個方面進行,第一是先蒐集網路上相關文章有提到業界與教育界對資管人應具備能力之觀點,並認真思考如何將其落實於課程內容。第二就是在課程委員會的課程變革規劃過程中,明確訂出將哪些觀點提到的專業納入哪些課程中,並於未來檢視課程教學成效列入評定之列。
出處 | 敘述 |
Change Management in IT and MIS Education … | The IT and MIS department should focus on applied business computing which represents the bulk of the current curriculum and is in keeping with the nature of the program.(資管課程應聚焦在應用商業運算) |
How Useful is IS 2002? … | Using the Borda count, the top five objectives among faculty are(系上認定最前面的5項目標): 1) Understanding and modeling organizational processes and data(組織程序與資料的瞭解與模式化) 2) Development of skills in the application of information technology for helping individuals, groups, and organizations achieve their goals(資訊科技應用於個人、群體、組織作業目標之開發技術) 3) Defining and implementing technical and process solutions(能找出並實現作業程序的技術解決方案) 4) Topics and concepts explained using a broad business and real world perspective(透視企業與現實所需的主題與概念) 5) Improvement of communication skills (oral, written, listening)(增進溝通技巧) |
IS 2010 | Information Systems as a field of academic study encompasses the concepts, principles, and processes for two broad areas of activity within organizations: 1) acquisition, deployment, management, and strategy for information technology resources and services (the information systems function; IS strategy, management, and acquisition; IT infrastructure; enterprise architecture; data and information) and 2) packaged system acquisition or system development, operation, and evolution of infrastructure and systems for use in organizational processes (project management, system acquisition, system development, system operation, and system maintenance). |
IS 2010 | Information systems professionals work with information technology and must have sound technical knowledge of computers, communications, and software. Since they operate within organizations and with organizational systems, they must also understand organizations and the functions within organizations (administration, accounting, finance, marketing, operations, human resources, and so forth). They must understand concepts and processes for achieving organizational goals with information technology. In addition to sound technical knowledge and organizational understanding, they must possess systems thinking, the ability to analyze business problems, communication skills, and teamwork skills (Overby 2006) in face-to-face and virtual settings. The academic content of an Information Systems degree program therefore includes information technology, information systems strategy and management, information systems development and implementation, organizational functions, and concepts and processes of organizational management. |
資管人學非所用? | 「技術背景是需要的,但更重要的是Operation(系統運作)的能力,」明基電通資訊技術服務處資深協理趙素娟表示,對大型企業葉而言,資訊系統牽涉到的部門、流程範圍大廣,資訊人員必須有足夠的組織、領導和溝通能力,才能協調各部門完成系統的建置。她認為,資管人比資工人更有機會接觸企業的專案,但足否有足夠的企圖心,能徹底把一套系統的分析、建構和維護技巧學好則是關鍵。 |
資管人學非所用? | 資策會的李進寶表示,雖然資管的一般定位是「資訊加管理」,但在大學階段,最好還是以程式設計為主。因為「管理是一種藝術」,管理知識需要依靠實務經驗和社會歷練來累積,沒有經驗的大學生很難立刻上手。因此最好先盯好技術的底子,才能真正「用資訊來管理」。 不過,中山大學侯君溥則認為,資管人不該自我設限於程式設計的領域。他指出,資管是著眼於應用系統的開發、管理與維護,和資訊工程強調技術本身的效率有所區別。 |
資訊科系同學生涯規劃 | 了解資訊科技(IT)如何運用,而不僅是資訊系統如何設計 如果公司知道如何策略性的運用資訊科技,其競爭優勢可以大幅提昇,而這也是資管人對企業的責任。 |
資管人學非所用? | 特別是在資管碩士的訓練上,侯君溥認為應以培育專案經理(Project Manager)為主。由於企業的資訊系統導入專案不僅金額龐大,涉及的知識領域也是浩瀚無涯,因此更需要專案經理,來整合組織內部的資訊需求與外在的系統技術,以提升專案的效能。因此,雖然資管系畢業生年年增長,「好的資管人才還是很缺的。」 |
IS 2010 | The new capability (High-level IS Capabilities) set recognizes the change in the nature of the jobs IS graduates are likely to have by focusing on business analysis, organizational processes, enterprise architecture, sourcing options, and security/risk management. (IS 2010的課程規劃是從企業需求的角度探討應具備的資訊系統能力,學生至少要聚焦瞭解一些商業分析、組織流程、企業架構、資源選擇、安全風險管理等概念。) |
IS 2010 | Improving Organizational Processes The new curriculum assumes that understanding and improving organizational processes is one of the key capabilities of all IS graduates. (對於組織流程瞭解並能提出改善方案是最重要的能力) This requires the graduates to: § Understand the fundamental concepts related to organizational processes § Understand general principles of process analysis in order to apply them to specific situations § Analyze existing processes based on interviewing, observation, documentation analysis, and other similar methods § Understand how the very large amounts of data collected by modern organizations can be used to review, redesign, and improve processes § Identify and capture the essential findings from the large amount of data produced by the analysis process § Research and apply industry reference models and best practices in order to improve process designs § Use analysis results as a basis for designing revised processes based on the graduates' strong understanding of both organizations and information technology § Simulate proposed processes and revising them as necessary § Negotiate solutions that satisfy the political requirements for new processes § Understand the limitations of what can be achieved with available technology, financial resources, and organizational capabilities. § Lead the implementation of new processes. § Customize processes to address cultural and ethnic needs. (註:關於讓學生能瞭解組織流程這件事,或許可在資管導論或管理資訊系統課程中進行,在介紹各種資訊系統時,一併介紹組織的運作流程,小從公文系統的workflow談起、大到全球運籌管理系統相關部門的程序,如此讓學生對於資訊系統應用於改善組織流程有所瞭解,更進一步還可以在課程中設計一些作業要求學生針對組織流程改善所需導入資訊系統功能撰寫出需求規格書(RFP),並於課程中對學生提出的RFP進行討論,更能仔細探討問題關鍵。) |
資訊科系同學生涯規劃 | 了解資訊科技(IT)對組織及產業的影響 管理就是探討「人」與「組織」的問題,所以資管人將資訊科技導入企業管理時,成敗不只是資訊技術的問題,往往是組織問題才是電腦化失敗的主因。但是各種組織運作所造成的失敗原因都不相同,而學生們又沒有這些實務經驗,所以在學校的教育就應該著重於個案研討,透過多樣的個案研討讓學生瞭解,企業導入資訊技術會面臨像是員工抗拒的這些問題,而提醒同學做一個資管人並非只需著重技術的鑽研,更要了解資訊科技引進組織時,會對組織造成什麼影響。 |
IS 2010 | Exploiting Opportunities Created by Technology Innovations Graduates of Information Systems programs should be experts in seeing how organizations can benefit from technology capabilities, converting opportunities created by information technology innovations into sustainable organizational value through systematic processes. (知道如何善用資訊科技創新持續提升組織獲利) An essential element of this high-level capability is the ability to understand both information technology and the needs of an organization within a specific domain at such a deep level that IS graduates see new opportunities to create value faster and with greater clarity during various analysis processes than their non-IS counterparts. (註:關於讓學生瞭解資訊科技創新對組織的影響,可考慮增設一門科技創新介紹課程,或者在各個課程都要求納入一些相關介紹,並多多善用YouTube影片加深學生印象,像目前的Apps, RFID, Internet of Things, AR等資訊科技的創新趨勢若能讓學生多加瞭解,可引導學生思考於組織之創新應用。譬如,在管理資訊系統課程中曾經討論過Apps與AR對於房仲業者的可能應用,並讓學生設想規劃房仲業者的資訊創新服務,可以看到大家的腦袋動了起來。) |
資管人學非所用? | 文群科技行銷事業群副總徑理吳文龍也指出,對於知識密集的產業而言,資訊人才不只要有資訊科技 (IT)技術的底子,還要能瞭解產業動態、新技術發展等等趨勢,特別是要瞭解客戶的需求,才能完成有效能的系統。 |
IS 2010 | Understanding and Addressing Information Requirements Another key capability of all IS graduates is the ability to analyze and document organizational information requirements at various levels, starting from those of individual knowledge workers responsible for specific tasks and ending with very high level institutional requirements. (組織之資訊應用需求分析及產出文件之能力) IS graduates are able to analyze information needs of an individual, organizational unit, or an organization in order to determine how information technology-based solutions can best be designed to support these information needs. Increasingly, the core capabilities in this area are related to effective utilization and integration of data that is generated in a rich variety of organizational systems and includes multiple types and formats. (註:系統分析課程中,可以多給學生做需求分析與撰寫文件之練習。) |
IS 2010 | Designing and Managing Information Systems graduates should be experts in high level design and management of IT capabilities that are fully aligned with general organizational goals. These capabilities are typically organized and presented as an enterprise architecture, consisting of high-level internally compatible representations of organizational business models, data, applications, and information technology infrastructure. The capabilities of the graduates of undergraduate IS programs are typically at a level suitable for focusing on the component architectures. One of the knowledge and skill areas that is directly derived from this high-level IS capability is related to IT infrastructure, including networking technology, data centers, and so on. This high-level capability also requires an understanding of the IT management and control frameworks, such as ITIL and COBIT. (就資訊科技架構方面,至少像是網路佈建管理與資料中心建置管理等能力是必要的;就企業組織架構方面,至少瞭解一些資訊服務管理框架。) (註:目前企業所需要的各種框架而言,最上層的是「公司治理」的COSO框架,中層是「IT治理」的COBIT框架,底層則是「IT管理」的各種標準與框架如 ITIL、ISO20000 及 ISO27001 等,皆屬於IT管理的範疇。) |
IS 2010 | dentifying and Evaluating Solution and Sourcing Alternatives Graduates of IS programs are capable of producing high-level design alternatives for various organizational IT-based solutions. (對各種IT解決方案進行評估的能力), it is essential that graduates have the capability to understand a variety of technologies and their integration. (並瞭解各種技術之間的系統整合模式) (註:當學生畢業後進入IT部門工作,需要有評估系統之能力,面對各種資訊系統廠商的產品介紹或系統規劃提案時,必須有能力提出關鍵問題,才能做好評估工作。就以往計資中心的經驗來看,大概每週都有廠商來做產品介紹,軟體、硬體、系統、網路、服務…都有,但若讓資訊科系畢業學生來聽,也不一定能懂其中的20%內容,更不必談該如何發問了。) |
資管人學非所用? | 資策會教育訓練處處長李進寶表示,資訊科技的應用可以分為四個層面:硬體、系統軟體、應用系統開發,以及智慧型的資訊使用者。其中第四項指 「能夠運用資訊科技達成任務」的人才,包括系統應用、網路、資料採礦(Data Ming),等等,這類人才是各行各業都需要的,也是資管系能充分發揮的領域。然而經建會的調查卻集中在前三類的人才,因此才會得出「資管人力過剩」的結論。 |
IS 2010 | Securing Data and Infrastructure Understanding these threats and identifying high-level solutions to protecting the organization are essential capabilities of all graduates of Information Systems degree programs. (瞭解組織面對的安全風險與解決之道) IS graduates should have strong capabilities in understanding, managing, and controlling organizational risks that are associated with the use of IT-based solutions (e.g., security, disaster recovery, obsolescence, etc.). At the undergraduate level, the emphasis should be on in-depth understanding of a variety of risks. (註:資訊安全不僅是要讓學生認識相關技術理論,更要能知道安全風險所在並能進一步瞭解如何做好資安管理。) |
IS 2010 | The knowledge and skills that graduates in Information Systems (Knowledge and Skills of IS Graduates) are expected to have can be divided into three categories (資訊系統方面相關的應具備知識與技能) : § Information Systems Specific Knowledge and Skills (資訊系統的知識技術) The category of Information Systems Specific Knowledge and Skills includes elements that are in the core of the IS discipline. § Foundational Knowledge and Skills (基礎能力的知識技術) Foundational Knowledge and Skills are shared by many disciplines that educate knowledge professionals, and they include broad categories such as leadership and collaboration, communication, and analytical and critical thinking. (領導、協同運作、溝通、分析思考等能力) § Knowledge and Skills Related to Domain Fundamentals (其他領域的知識技術) The most common domain for Information Systems is business in general, but many other domains are possible components, including business specialties (such as accounting or finance), government, health care, the legal profession and non-governmental organizations. Within each domain, it is typically possible to identify at least three subcategories of domain knowledge: |
資管科系同學生涯規劃 | 培養領域知識(Domain Knowledge) 如果資管人只懂資訊技術,對於企業管理領域沒有基本認識,便無法有效的運用資訊科技來支援企業的活動。所以要成為真正的資管人,培養領域知識便成為非常重要的工作,選擇企業管理的五管領域(生產管理、行銷管理、人力資源管理、研發管理、財務管理)其中一個領域做為第二專長,有機會多學習該領域的學科,未來在資管的工作上更能勝出。 |
IS 2002 | the central role of Technology-Enabled Business Development at the intersection of the four major areas that were identified in the initial assumptions about the IS profession. |
MSIS 2006 | Goal of the MSIS Program Students graduating from the MSIS program should be prepared to provide leadership in the Information Systems field. Graduates will have the following skills, knowledge, and values: § Broad business and real world perspective § Communication, interpersonal, and team skills § Analytical and critical thinking skills § A core of IS management and technology knowledge § Integration of IS and business foundations § Specific skills leading to a career (註:MSIS 2006是以資管碩士班畢業生的定位來看,與IS 2002的資管大學部畢業生教育目標不同之處在於:最要重視的是“broad business and real world perspective”,故其示意圖將此項畫成最大一圈,當教育目標是以培養出符合企業組織實際需求的資管人為最重要考量,所以最核心的(灰色圈圈)訓練就要把“career”納入考量,而不只是“商業基礎(business foundations)”與“資管技術(IS management and technology)”之間的考量而已。) |
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